We are happier when we have people around us, it's fun, it's a fact.

The most effective way to approach hosting

You don't have to be perfect.  
You are just practicing a way to reach happiness: sharing food in your home and being around good people, like you.
An open home is an open heart. When we welcome guests into our home, and around our dining table, we open our heart, and make them part of our family.
The home is an extension of ourselves. When guests feel comfortable in our home, they are comfortable with us.
    Love and celebrate our home
      Hosting is exciting. It brings us joy and breaks the daily routine. When we are hosting, we make an effort to be at our best, and share our best. We turn our home into a sacred temple, preparing it, making it inviting by creating an atmosphere that we love. We clean and organize, play music, open the windows, lay out a fresh tablecloth, flowers and candles.
      All this preparation builds up excitement and festivity of having people over, to enjoy and celebrate in our living space.
       Expand our world
        Guests are like food for the home. They nourish our atmosphere intellectually. They keep our home breathing and alive. Having guests over can give us the opportunity to meet new people outside of our close circle, who might be different from us, and engage in new conversations around our dining table. We all get to know each other more intimately and widen our perspectives. 
        Increase our intimacy
          When we invite someone into our home, we let them into the private space where we live, the most intimate physical space in our world. Allowing people to enter our home lets us practice being more open and vulnerable with others. We cannot hide in our home when we have company.
          We learn to share our home, which is who we are.