


450 grams bread flour or all purpose flour
3 eggs (beaten) plus one for egg wash
60 ml vegetable oil
60ml warm water
60 grams sugar
10 grams dry yeast
10 grams salt

How to make:

  • Mix water and yeast in a small bowl and stir vigorously, let it rest for five minutes
  • In either a stand mixer with a hook attachment or a large bowl add the flour, salt and sugar
  • Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the 3 beaten eggs, oil and the yeast mixture
  • Knead until well combined, about 10 minutes until you get a nice ball with a soft surface. If the dough looks rough after you kneaded it for 10 minutes let it rest for another ten and knead it again to get that smooth surface
  • Let it proof in an oiled bowl until doubled in size, between 2-4 hours the amount of time varies
  • Once the dough is proofed cut it into 5 even pieces and roll out each into a long snakes, thinner on the ends
  • Braid it and put it on a baking pan and let it proof covered for about an hour and a half
  • After your challah is proofed Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F
  • Whisk the extra egg and brush it over your challah and let it sit
  • Once the oven is heated brush the challah once more time  with the leftover egg and sprinkle sesame seeds